Zydus Vaccine - Product Scorecard

Company: Zydus Cadila

Type: Covid-19 Vaccine
Product (brand name): DNA SARS CoV-2 vaccine (ZyCov-D)
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Gilead Therapeutic
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
Moderna Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Zydus Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
AstraZeneca Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
MSD Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Regeneron Therapeutic
Roche Therapeutic
Sanofi Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Explore the results of PAF’s research into the behaviour of Zydus Cadila. Each section is given an overall score; individual criteria are also scored (see icon following the criteria heading).

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Category A: Commitments and Accountability

The company should publicly commit to human rights in relation to product development and marketing, by adopting an official human rights policy statement recognising the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The company should endeavour to integrate human rights into its strategies, policies, programmes, projects, and activities.

The company should also have a publicly available global access plan for their Covid-19 product, based on human rights standards, with measurable targets and lines of accountability.

A1: Does Zydus Cadila publish a global access plan for its product?

Zydus Cadila has made an alliance with Enzychem, through which its vaccine will be supplied to low- and middle-income countries in Latin America and Asian New Southern Policy member countries.

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
A2: Does Zydus Cadila commit to comply with human rights standards in relation to product development and marketing?

Zydus Cadila has a human rights policy. It does not mention the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights or other internationally recognised human rights documents.

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody

Category C: International cooperation

The company should constructively engage with international initiatives for the equitable distribution of vaccines and therapeutics, such as the Covid-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) or the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), and the ACT Accelerator (COVAX). The company should also publicly commit to not enforcing the exclusive rights of Covid-19 related patents, and enter into non-exclusive, transparent licensing agreements for its Covid-19 products with other companies.

C1: Does Zydus Cadila commit to C-TAP or MPP?

Zydus Cadila has not committed to C-TAP or the MPP.

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
C2: Does Zydus Cadila commit to not enforcing the exclusive rights of Covid-19 related patents?

There is no evidence of Zydus Cadila not enforcing patents.

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
C3: Does Zydus Cadila supply to, or signs agreements with, the vaccines or therapeutics pillar of the ACT Accelerator?

ZyCovD has not received WHO Emergency Use Listing, so it cannot yet participate in Covax

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
C4: Does Zydus Cadila agree to license its Covid-19 medical products to other companies?

Zydus Cadila has licensed its vaccine to South Korea’s Enzychem Life Sciences to make at least 80 million doses (Cadila will receive license fees and royalty payments)

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody

Category E: Equality, non-discrimination & equity

The company should engage in efforts to further equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines/therapeutics, by equitably distributing its supplies globally, devising fair pricing strategies, and making the active ingredient for its product available to other manufacturers. The company should also engage in full technology transfer to other manufacturers, including the necessary transfer of skills, legal components, knowledge and intellectual property. Where applicable, the company should agree to waive rights in regulatory test data, and refrain from enforcing TRIPS+ measures.

E1: Does Zydus Cadila make the active ingredient available on reasonable grounds? [Only for therapeutics]

[Only applies to therapeutics]

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
E2: Does Zydus Cadila commit to full technology transfer to other manufacturers?

The company is looking into it and backs the necessity of tech transfer. Zydus Cadila is in talks with other Indian manufacturers about technology transfer, and has already transferred the vaccine technology to South Korea’s Enzychem Life Sciences in exchange for license fees and royalty payments

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
E3: Does Zydus Cadila commit to non-profit, ‘fair’, or differential pricing?

The vaccine is priced at 3.57 US dollars per dose in India. There is no evidence of non-profit or differential pricing internationally so far.

See more company scores
ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
E4: Does Zydus Cadila equitably distribute supplies globally? [Only applies to vaccines]

Zydus Cadila has sold 100% of its doses to India (a middle-income country) so far.

See more company scores
ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine
Vaxine Vaccine
Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine
Sinovac Vaccine
Sinopharm Vaccine
Sanofi Vaccine
Roche Therapeutic
Regeneron Therapeutic
Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer Therapeutic
Novavax Vaccine
MSD Therapeutic
Moderna Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
GSK Therapeutic
Gilead Therapeutic
Gamaleya Vaccine
Finlay Vaccine
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 3
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 2
Eli Lilly Therapeutic 1
CIGB Vaccine
Celltrion Therapeutic
CanSino Vaccine
Brii BioSciences Therapeutic
Bharat Biotech Vaccine
AstraZeneca Vaccine
AstraZeneca Antibody
E5: Does Zydus Cadila not seek protection beyond the minimum criteria in TRIPS, or not enforce TRIPS+ measures? [where applicable]

No information was found on this criterion.

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ZFSW Vaccine
Vektor Vaccine