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The company should publicly commit to human rights in relation to product development and marketing, by adopting an official human rights policy statement recognising the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The company should endeavour to integrate human rights into its strategies, policies, programmes, projects, and activities.
The company should also have a publicly available global access plan for their Covid-19 product, based on human rights standards, with measurable targets and lines of accountability.
Sanofi signed the Gates Foundation ‘Commitments to Expanded Access for Covid-19 Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines’
It has also made a statement on Covid-19: “We also keep our commitment to making a strong contribution to current global public health priorities by supporting manufacturing and supply of half a billion doses of three different currently approved vaccines: BioNTech’s approved COVID-19 vaccine, co-developed with Pfizer, the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson, and the vaccine developed by Moderna. We are working across multiple countries and in coordination with partner manufacturing sites to make vaccines at the extremely large scales required by the pandemic. The manufacturing process is a complex, never-ending job, but our aim is to supply vaccines to as many people as possible.”
Sanofi committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2015. It also commits to exercise due diligence to respect the fundamental rights of workers.
Sanofi also has a corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement on ‘human rights in our activities’ with examples of good practices including ‘ensuring affordable drugs and providing access to healthcare’
The company should constructively engage with international initiatives for the equitable distribution of vaccines and therapeutics, such as the Covid-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) or the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), and the ACT Accelerator (COVAX). The company should also publicly commit to not enforcing the exclusive rights of Covid-19 related patents, and enter into non-exclusive, transparent licensing agreements for its Covid-19 products with other companies.
Sanofi does not commit to C-TAP or the MPP.
Sanofi has not made a commitment to not enforce patents.
Sanofi signed an advance purchase agreement with COVAX for 200 million doses on the 28th of October 2020. The vaccine, however, has still not been approved.
Sanofi has not entered into any licensing agreements yet.
The company should engage in efforts to further equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines/therapeutics, by equitably distributing its supplies globally, devising fair pricing strategies, and making the active ingredient for its product available to other manufacturers. The company should also engage in full technology transfer to other manufacturers, including the necessary transfer of skills, legal components, knowledge and intellectual property. Where applicable, the company should agree to waive rights in regulatory test data, and refrain from enforcing TRIPS+ measures.
[Only applies to therapeutics]
Sanofi does not commit to full technology transfer to other manufacturers (see C4).
Sanofi has made a commitment to affordable pricing, but nothing specific has been undertaken so far
So far, Sanofi has signed advance purchase agreements with the USA, the EU and COVAX. This equals 600M doses total, with 400M doses going to high-income countries. Sanofi has therefore sold 66.6% of vaccines to high-income countries.
Also, the CEO of Sanofi said they would give the US priority on any future Covid-19 vaccine because they offered more money to fund research (he then backpedalled on this statement)